Unsubscribe button

I don’t know about you, but every so often my emails get chock-a-block with rubbish.

What happens is, I click into something that looks interesting then get sucked in to more and more information that is of no value to me.

I have started a trend at Christmas time or maybe over bank holidays when I have an hour to spare, I unsubscribe from all the stuff that is of no value.

Sometimes our thoughts are like that. You have a thought and then you trigger yourself into linking that thought to another and another and before you know where you are, an hour has gone by. If that thoughts makes you feel good, brilliant. However if it is a thought that is hurtful or makes you doubt yourself, then you may need to hit that unsubscribe button inside your mind. I often say inside my mind “delete that thought” or “cancel that thought” because I know that all our thoughts are linked and connected and I know I am interrupting that pattern of unhelpful thoughts when I do this. This might be something you could try.

So each time you unsubscribe from rubbish on your computer, think about unsubscribing from the negative thoughts inside your head. After all, your mind is far superior to any computer, but just as complex, sensitive and needs to be cleaned often.

If I can help you or anyone you know, my contact details are here on my site.


What’s the Story

Stay up to date with my take on the world



As we become so familiar with the word “restrictions” where we are all asked to control our actions which limit us is many ways. How could you turn that into a positive?

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Staying in your own bubble

Staying in your own bubble

As we move forward from this pandemic we are asked to continue to stay in our own bubble as much as possible. We can visit family and friends but being mindful of washing our hands and continuing to wear masks and keep that social distance of two metres.

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The masks we wear

The masks we wear

We have all gotten used to wearing masks (the physical ones). We have been used to masks on an emotional level too. Each of us wear masks to hide our true feelings. The “I’m fine” mask is well known.

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My watch pings. My phone vibrates. My email dings. It’s as if there is a message everywhere every moment saying something like “hurry I’m speaking to you – can you not hear the vibrations – get stressed – I’m important – answer me – be at my beck and call – now – now – now – vibration – vibration – vibration.

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A Glimmer of Hope

A Glimmer of Hope

A long long time ago, the glimmerman lit the gas lights in the streets when it got dark. He lit his lights so people could see, so they could find their way through the darkness.

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Changing times, new learnings

Changing times, new learnings

Comedy is so important right now. When you laugh you send happy feelings throughout your body.That has to be good for your immune system. And we need to keep our immune system happy and healthy.

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Adapt Change Grow

Adapt Change Grow

We have all experienced our safety and connection being threatened, but, we can adapt, change and grow

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Let's Connect

Having studied, hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, CBT, NLP, Coaching and Brain Working Recursive therapy, I am in awe at how you can help a client back from the brink. The work you put in will give you hope. Hope for a future you can work towards. Take the first step today!

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2nd Floor,
Raheny Shopping Centre,
Raheny, Dublin 5,
D05 CX74