by garry | Jun 4, 2020 | Anxiety, Clinical hypnotherapy, Coaching, Goal Setting, Mindset, Self-Belief, Uncategorized
A glimmer of Hope A long long time ago, the glimmerman lit the gas lights in the streets when it got dark. He lit his lights so people could see, so they could find their way through the darkness. As we potentially move out of lockdown, we have the opportunity to see...
by garry | Mar 24, 2020 | Anxiety, BrainWorking Recursive Therapy (BWRT), Clinical hypnotherapy, Coaching, Creativity, Fear, Goal Setting, Hypno psychotherapy, Mindset, Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Panic, Relaxation, Stress, Worrying
Adapt Change Grow Adapt Change Grow In the years and centuries to come, they will speak about this virus. How we individually and collectively dealt with the threat, the fear, the panic, the loss, the adjustment. We are all making history. In the past week our brain...
by garry | Mar 5, 2019 | Anxiety, BrainWorking Recursive Therapy (BWRT), Coaching, Hypno psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy
Spring is in the air Spring is in the air The dark hours and dark skies of winter are lifting. Springtime is in the air. Little by little the early morning shines more light. It warms your heart to sense the changing season. The evening light stretches later and later...
by garry | Jan 7, 2016 | Coaching
In The Force Awakens, the Star Wars series recently released, the war between good and bad forces continues. The Resistance are working continually to save the light side of the force and Luke has exiled himself to Skellig Michael. Thank you Luke, I hope that attracts...
by garry | Oct 8, 2015 | Anxiety, Clinical hypnotherapy, Coaching, Fear, Goal Setting, Hypno psychotherapy, Mindset, Panic, Self Criticism, Self-Belief, Stress, Worrying
The roadways are paved with crunchy golden brown leaves. Nature knows when to let go of what it no longer needs. Perhaps it’s time to consider letting go of what is not working for you. Some people carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. If you are one of...