Voices of the women in Ireland

Voices of the women in Ireland

There is a voice stirring in Ireland like a quiet revolution stirring. As if Ireland has woken up to her feminine energy.In the past few weeks we have seen a sea of women skinny dip into the Guinness World Records.They did what they feared supporting those fighting cancer.

More women from the Magdeline laundries unmasked the hurt, the humiliation, the slave like labour that was forced upon them. The voices speak of anxiety, extreme hurt, pain and they come together in a mighty and powerful and beautiful way helping one another.There is a unity
in the voices, an energy that is beautiful. A powerful energy. Voices that call for justice all being heard.Ireland is coming out of the dark ages into the light. The feminine light shows her light on wrong-doings, injustice.

Somehow the outpouring of love and understanding and compassion that we feel for these women makes things real in what often appears like a false world of plastic and fastness where the app is more important than the application of justice and love.

Whatever is happening in Ireland, it is as if the feminine energy has come into play and unmasking the unspoken, unearthing the buried secrets, upturning the Church and state run organisations, digging up the weeds of secrecy and anxiety and at last crying for healing together.

Individually and collectively this feminine energy is plugged in to what is right and it is powerful.

If I can help you or someone you know, my details are here on my site.

#anxiety #fears #compassion #understanding #hurt #healing

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As we become so familiar with the word “restrictions” where we are all asked to control our actions which limit us is many ways. How could you turn that into a positive?

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Staying in your own bubble

Staying in your own bubble

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The masks we wear

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My watch pings. My phone vibrates. My email dings. It’s as if there is a message everywhere every moment saying something like “hurry I’m speaking to you – can you not hear the vibrations – get stressed – I’m important – answer me – be at my beck and call – now – now – now – vibration – vibration – vibration.

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