Voices of the women in Ireland

Voices of the women in Ireland

Voices of the women in Ireland Voices of the women in Ireland There is a voice stirring in Ireland like a quiet revolution stirring. As if Ireland has woken up to her feminine energy.In the past few weeks we have seen a sea of women skinny dip into the Guinness World...

GDPR May 2018

The General Data Protection Regulations comes into effect on 25th May 2018. We are all busy putting templates in place to deal with this. Look at your inbox these days and you will find you are bombarded with emails asking you to opt-in or opt out of something. But...

Against all the odds

Ireland recently won their rugby match against France. With the last play of the game Johnny Sexton was the man who stole the game from France. Cheers of joy rang through the stadium and the heartache showed on the faces of the French team. The stadium erupted with...

Springtime in Dublin

Springtime in Dublin. At last the rain has stopped pouring down. The sun is shining it’s warmth much more now. There is a sense of newness about in gardens. Green buds on brown branches. Flowers shooting up through the ground. Sturdy and strong. The birds sing in...

Goal Setting

Change is inevitable. As we head into 2017 ask yourself what changes do you want to make in 2017. You might want to focus on a theme. It might be health, fitness, relationships. You may wish to limit anxiety/stress in your life. Getting clear about your goals is...