Ireland recently won their rugby match against France. With the last play of the game
Johnny Sexton was the man who stole the game from France. Cheers of joy rang through the stadium and the heartache showed on the faces of the French team. The stadium erupted with excitement at the final score.
Often in life when all the odds are against us, it would be easy to throw in the towel. It’s the ability to train your mind to be consistently persistent in whatever you do that makes the difference. Whether it is sport, business, meditation or getting the work life balance right, it’s being consistently persistent that makes the difference.
Johnny Sexton knew he was up against time. He knew there was a moment. A moment where he could change everything. His belief in himself was driven by a winner’s mindset.
A mindset that he had nourished, nurtured and developed over time. He was 100% focused on the task in hand and he knew the outcome he wanted and he achieved it.
The way you do one thing is the way you do everything. A winner’s mindset is not something that just happens overnight. It has to be worked on. You have to be consistently persistent in whatever you want to achieve. You have to develop a pattern that becomes habitual.
Sometimes it seems as if all the odds are stacked against us, but it is the small consistent steps that make persistence the goal of the winner’s mindset. It not just about training physically, it’s about training mentally as well.