The General Data Protection Regulations comes into effect on 25th May 2018. We are all busy putting templates in place to deal with this. Look at your inbox these days and you will find you are bombarded with emails asking you to opt-in or opt out of something.

But what about you? There are also templates running in your head but you can’t see them. You can hear the internal chitter-chatter and that is a template too. When you feel anxious or panicky that’s also a template. Your mind runs patterns of behaviour when you are triggered, whether internally or externally.

Your subconscious knows everything about you. It retains all information, every thought you have ever had, and all those secrets too. Isn’t that amazing?

Millions and millions of neural pathways criss-cross and build and strengthen every time you even think a thought. Our brains are the most fascinating thing about us and within your brain there is so much potential.

It has recorded all your great qualities, skills, and unique strengths, perhaps not tapped into, and also how you have overcome challenges in the past.

We must all be compliant with GDPR but surely we must also be compliant with what our real self wants: peace, that ease of being where emotional wounds are dealt with, so you can opt-in to feeling more at ease. Your consent is required 100% for this. It starts with one thought : opt in and take responsibility for yourself. Put that in your psychological database and everything changes.

If I can help you or someone you know, get in touch, my contact details are here on my website.