Perhaps you are shy or have experienced being bullied either at work or at school/college or have had a relationship breakup, or even lost your job or been the subject of gossip. Whatever the reason, here are ten steps to a more confident you:
1 Speak kindly to yourself inside your head constantly.
2 Make a list of all your capabilities, read often especially at bedtime
3 Stop comparing yourself to others. You are your own person
4 Dress to impress (yourself) not others – wear colours you love
5 Walk into a room as if you own it
6 Do courses that interest you
7 List what you are grateful for (eyes,hair, voice, wit etc.) read often
8 Build your self-esteem and self worth
9 Believe in your abilities, talents and skills
10 If you need help, get it – you deserve to live a fulfilling life
If you feel I can help you or someone you know, just contact me and we will get working straight away on building your confidence
Stop telling yourself you are not good enough.
Start telling yourself you are amazing.
NLP Coaching and Hypnotherapy are fast effective and brilliant ways to build your confidence.