Recently I attended a master class in medical hypnosis. It was absolutely fascinating. Nothing of course replaces G.P. care. However, hypnosis has proven very effective in relaxing the mind. I feel hypnosis and healing go hand in hand.
I saw a man last year at my clinic who had severe arthritis. He could barely make it up the stairs to my office. He found hypnosis remarkably helpful. Really what hypnosis does is relax the client’s mind. I have recorded many a CD for people preparing for surgery. I’m helping them deal with the stress and worry about an operation. I have helped people after operations so they can use visualization to imagine their body healing as well as relaxing them. Last year I worked with a young woman recovering from breast cancer who found a combination of hypnosis and NLP changed her whole outlook and made her life much less stressful. I have recently worked very successfuly with a client who had irritable bowel syndrome.
The more I am in this business of helping people; the more I am fascinated by the power of the mind.
If you have anything I can help you with, just pick up the phone to me. If I am with a client I will get back to you to see if I can help you. Or maybe you know someone who needs help, and if you do, pass on my details to them and I will look after them for you.
Next time I will fill you in on a speed-reading course I recently attended. Definitely to be recommended for those attending college, doing research or taking exams.
Until next time, keep well and happy.