Driven by his own belief in himself he listened to one voice in particular. That voice was his own. He heard it every day whispering in his mind “you can do it”. Driven by a passion to win, he had absolute unshakeable faith in himself. He saw in his own minds eye the fight, knew what he would do, he could see the prize, hear the crowds roar with excitement long before he stepped into the ring. He could feel the championship belong to him. And that’s why he won.That unshakeable belief in his abilities and physically working out consistently. It all helped him move towards what he wanted to achieve; it made him a champion last week. The thing is, in his head, he was a champion long before he stepped into the ring.
The great heavy weight champion of the world Muhammed Ali said “I am the greatest” long before he was world champion. He too believed in his unique abilities. And didn’t he just “float like a butterfly and sting like a bee”. We can learn from sports people.
One of the main reasons a champion becomes a champion is because of repetition. Consistently persistent in his quest. Not just physically, but mentally too. It requires effort. It’s sometimes hard. Sometimes you want to give up, but if you stop listening to the negativity, you are stepping into the ring with your self-saboteur and facing it head on, feeling stronger, braver, more powerful, to knock the daylights out of it, and begin, no excuses, to become all you can be.
Self-belief comes from within. In your mind and in your imagination, it requires as much shaping, sharpening, nurturing, and motivating as a fighter does in the ring. When you learn to trust your instincts, and spend as much time working on your own self belief,then you can be a champion. You can defeat the sabatoging voice in your head that holds you back.
We are a small nation but we seem to pack a good punch. Katie Taylor boxed her way to being a champion and done us proud. Isn’t it time we began to look after our minds. Stop being your own opponent. Become a champion whoever you are, whatever you do. We don’t all have to become boxers, but what we can do is adopt the attitude of a winner. Stop listening to the negativity within. Knock it out. Instead, listen to the voice of reason, the one that wants you to be confident, feel more in control, be who you want to be. Look after your mindset positively, and your mind will be set on what you want to achieve.
If I can help you or someone you know my contact details are here on the site.